Jun 17, 2010

A long lost friend...

I'm sitting at home today, enjoying the peace of quiet in the house while fighting a nasty virus. So what makes us feel better?? A giant bowl of ice cream, Blue Bell Chocolate Cookie dough to be exact. Upon opening the utensil drawer, there it was...my long lost friend, my spring ice cream scoop. For those of you that have read my blog for some time, this is THE ITEM i use to properly fill my cupcake liners. Without my friend, my cupcakes would be too under filled or too overfilled. It truly delivers the perfect portion to every liner. And it got me to thinking, where has it been? Where have I been? When was the last time I made cupcakes and really blogged about the experience?
The answer was far more disturbing that the questions, but I went there anyway. So I'm vowing, to give you all what you want and what my spring ice cream scoop NEEDS...more cupcakes!!! When, I'm not sure at this moment as i can't think completely straight right this instance. But I promise. More cupcakes. More kid pictures, updates and funny saying. But more importantly more food blogging!! Foodbuzz is starting a competition in July and I'm IN!! yep, you read that right. I'm in. I'm going to use the challenge as a great way to upstart my food blogging again. And maybe, just maybe when all is said and done, i will have created some great new creations to feature as the imaginary restaurant my sweet husband and I are still developing. So stay tuned... and give your ice cream scoop a workout for me!
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