May 31, 2010

Cinnamon cressent rolls

Memorial day is one set aside to remember those that have served and died for our country, and to honor those that still are. In my line of work memorial day becomes one filled with large customer counts, long hours and lots of transactions. The main reason gets forgotten oh too easily in that environment. But today, today was different than last year. I was at home with my family. I got to enjoy the break and remember those I'm so proud of. To start the morning, I made breakfast. But not planning on this, my groceries are low and I had to improvise. Sugar. Check. Butter. Check. Cinnamon. Check. Cressent rolls. Check. Bingo! Yep I made cinnamon cressent rolls that were to die for. Note to self, keep cressent on hand because this could be a future breakfast again in a pinch. And we all know any good baker keeps sugar, cinnamon and butter on hand at all times.
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