When Sandy announced this month's Iron Cupcake: Earth Challenge, I just about jumped for joy! But out of fear of being caught and thought to be an even more odd-ball than my cowarkers already think I am, I contained my excitement and started surfing for the perfect combination. By mixing a few recipes across the web, I was able to pull together an amazing entry...
Chocolate Shiner "Stout" Cupcakes with Chocolate Ganache and Bailey's Buttercream Icing...
WOW! I mean seriously. WOW! If that title alone doesn't win this month's Iron Cupcake Earth Challenge, the recipe sure will. This one will warm you from the inside out while calming that chocolate craving that hits mid afternoon. This one is a sure fire winner!! Try it out for yourself if you don't believe me.

Chocolate Shiner "Stout" Cupcakes with Chocolate Ganache and Bailey's Buttercream Icing:
Cupcakes: (makes 44)
2 C Shiner Stout
2 C unsalted butter
1 1/2 C unsweetened cocoa powder
4 C all purpose flour
4 C sugar
1 T baking soda
1 1/2 t salt
4 Large eggs
1 1/3 C sour cream
Preheat oven to 350*. Bring 2 C stout and 2 C butter to simmer in heavy large saucepan (this is important or you'll get a serious mess to clean up). Add cocoa powder and whisk until mixture is smooth. Cool slightly.
Whisk flour, sugar, baking soda and salt in large bowl to blend. Using electric mixer, beat eggs and sour cream in another large bowl to blend. Add stout-chocolate mixture to egg mixture and beat just to combine. Add flour mixture and beat briefly on slow speed. Fold in batter until completely combined. Divide evenly among cupcake liners and bake until cake tester comes out clean. It was about 15 minutes in my oven. Cool completely on rack.

Ganache: (makes 48)
1 1/2 C dark semi sweet cocolate chips
1 1/3 C heavy cream
Heat cream to a simmer then pour over chocolate chips. Let sit for a minute and stir until blended. Dip cupcakes into chocolate and put in refrigerator to set.
Bailey's Buttercream: (makes 48)
4 sticks of butter, softened
4-6 C of powdered sugar
4 T of Bailey's Irish Cream
Cream all ingredients until desired consistancy and pipe big swirls on each cupcake. Dust with cocoa powder if so desired.

Big Thanks to for December's prizes and sponsers!!
Our December ETSY PRIZE-PACK is from artists (taken straight from Sandy's website):
BETTY TURBO - http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5002976 as well as a pair of cupcake earrings from LOTS OF SPRINKLES at http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=6057281.
PLUS, IronCupcake:Earth can not forget our good friend, CAKESPY, http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5243382, who is now going to be doing a piece for our winner each month until further notice - sweet!
As an added bonus for December we have adorable cupcake pincushions complements of SWEET CUPPIN CAKES BAKERY AND CUPCAKERY SUPPLY, http://www.acupcakery.com/index.html.
Last and certainly not least, don’t forget our corporate prize providers:
HEAD CHEFS by FIESTA PRODUCTS, http://www.fiestaproducts.com/, HELLO CUPCAKE by Karen Tack and Alan Richardson, http://blog.hellocupcakebook.com/, JESSIE STEELE APRONS http://www.jessiesteele.com/; the CUPCAKE COURIER http://www.cupcakecourier.com/; TASTE OF HOME books, http://www.tasteofhome.com/. Iron Cupcake:Earth is sponsored in part by 1-800-Flowers, http://www.1800flowers.com/ .

These cupcakes sound awesome! I love baileys!! he he. I had enough Irish Coffee to get a bit of a buzz about 7 years ago...and nobody has ever let me forget!
that is certainly a TWIST.
good luck with the voting :)
These are sinful! I can't wait to try them.
You and your family have an awesome holiday.
Yummers!! We love Baileys chez Cakespy, so these would definitely go over well!
Yummy. These definitely caught my mom's eye!
Good luck with the ICE competition!
Yummy! I'm definitely a Bailey's girl. These look great. My dad always gave us "Magic" Coffee when we would visit!
Wow these look delicious! Baileys is always a winner but paired with chocolate... yummmm. The pictures look great as well, great presentation! Wish mine could look half as good. Thanks for this awesome recipe, love this blog and cant believe I only just found it!
Thank you So much! We adore those cupcake and have made them for many adult functions. After all, everyone needs a cupcake once in awhile, especially adults. ;)
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